Closing Session of The Third Scientific Conference
The Third International Conference organized by the Center of Mahdism Studies at University of El Imam El Mahdi in collaboration with El Imam Abdul Rahman Center for Sudanese Heritage, Documentation and Studies in El Imam Al Hadi University titled “The Mahdi State in The Time of Khalifa Abdullah Khalifa Al Mahdi” held the closing day sessions in the Judicial Hall in Kosti, 7/11/2018. The conference discussed seventy research papers on all aspects in the time of the Khalifa Abdullah during the Mahdist state presented by researchers from several Sudanese universities, in addition to the participation of non- Sudanese researches from Egypt, Nigeria and South Sudan.
The conference has recorded a number of recommendations including the importance to rewrite the history of the Mahdism country through studies, researches and research centers such as the Mahdism Studies Center. The researchers also recommended the necessity to study the personality of the Khalipha Abdullah Khalifa Al Mahdi to remove the distorted writings. Moreover, researchers recommended the attendees to read the history of Mahdia in accordance with the contemporary events and to deal with extreme caution when extracting information from sources and references written by foreigners. It was also recommended to allow researchers to view the documents and manuscripts of the Mahdia history that are available in the documentation offices for the purpose of studying, publication and printing. The researchers also have recommended the establishment of a University that named “The Khalipha Abdullah” in the locality of Tandelty as well as the organization of Mahdia Khaliphas and Princes Conference. Finally, the researchers recommended that the relationship between the state of Mahdia and South Sudan has to be one of the themes of the next year conference.
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