High Committee Meeting for Fixing Tuition Fees 2018/2019

Prof. Noor al-Daem Osman, Director of El Imam El Mahdi University, leaded The High Committee Meeting, this morning, at his office in Kosti for fixing tuition fees for the new academic year 2018/2019. Members of the Committee explained that tuition fees for admission to the University of El Imam El Mahdi are much less compared to other universities and believed that tuition fees should be increased by 25% due to the general economic conditions and higher costs of college requirements. The main objective of this increment in tuition fees is to improve the academic environment for students. The Rector recommended that the committee should take into account the financial conditions of students and their families so that the tuition fee is increased with an acceptable percentage that offers the opportunity for new students to register and study in their colleges where they have been accepted to. Also, the Rector has confirmed that the University of El Imam El Mahdi as it was seeking always for excellence in quality and leadership in the academic field, it’s also seeking to maintain the fact that it is the university with the lowest tuition fee among other universities to be a university of every sudanese who looks for the opportunity of higher education.

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