University Council of Deans Discusses Performance Reports for Examination and Registration Process f

Rector of El-Imam Elmahdi University, Prof. Nor Al-Daem Osman headed the meeting of the University Council Conference, this morning, in his office with the presence of deanships and faculties deans. The rector reviewed the reports presented by the deans on examination conductance, results and registration performance of new students admitted to the university this year. The council approved the offer of some foreign counterparts from the State of Nigeria and the Kingdom of Jordan, which have expressed their inclination to sign a cooperation agreement with the university in the field of academic students transferring and exchange from those countries to Study postgraduate studies in El Imam Elmahdi University. Finally, the rector assured the faculties deans on the importance to abide by academic disciplines and regulations and to set them with the admission conditions for studying in the university.

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