Partnership between Community Development College and State Adult Education Department

The Faculty of Community Development at El Imam Elmahdi University held a lengthy meeting with the Department of Adult Education in the state, presented by the Dean of the college, Dr. Waleed Aboshora, highlighting the objectives, activities and programs of the college, which are essentially a basic foundation, to invest the hidden potentials and thus enable it to contribute effectively to achieve sustainable development therefore, a presentation was made on the significant expansion that has been taking place in the college centers. In his speech, he stressed on the need to hold partnerships and memoranda of understanding, which in turn facilitate many difficulties and enable all of us to carry out our duties towards community issues, foremost women's issues, which represent a safety valve for society as a whole.

Director of Adult Education Department, Professor Mohamed Yusuf, pointed out the great efforts of his administration, which is moving consciously and ably with a view to making a difference in an axis that is officially adopted by the presidency of the republic; the axis of literacy. He mentioned that the efforts in this area are progressing in a confident pace as planned. Women centers throughout the state aim to rehabilitate, train and prepare the woman in a manner that allows her to perform her duties at home, in the laboratory, in the factory and in the office, thus creating an active, interacting and dedicated woman in the service of her community. Prof. Mohamad added that the significant breakthrough in the Hausa community with regard to the dissemination of academic education, which is in narrow settings versus religious education.

Dr. Waleed Aboshora shared the same point as Prof. Mohamad regarding the dissemination of education in the Hausa community, explaining the great role that some of the college centers have played towards education in the Hausa community as a closed Society. Concluding his speech, Director of the Department of Adult Education said that the state would witness a major breakthrough in the field of E-learning.

All the interventions were made by the attendees on both sides, stressing the need to move forward with the establishment of this partnership. The attendees included Dr. Amira Adam Osman, Vice Dean of the college, who thanked the delegation of the Department of Education for females and adults in the state for accepting the college invitation. Her speech indicated that it is necessary to work together in the advancement of this important category.

The meeting took place with the presence of the Director of Adult Education in the Locality, Mr. Alamin Adam Alamin, Director of females' education in the State, Om-Salama AbdulRahman Harun and the members of the State Department of Adult Education, Rasha Fath AlRahman and Mahdi Almardi Ali. In conclusion, the meeting insured the college concern about this partnership and which is said to be hold within the next few days.

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