Religious Seminar Entitled: The Islamic Ummah and Contemporary Challenges

The Faculty of Education and the Department of Islamic Studies at University of El Imam El Mahdi in cooperation with the Sudan Scholars Authority organized the religious seminar titled (The Islamic Ummah and the Contemporary Challenges) in the Big Hall of the Faculty of Education in Al Goz complex. Many scholars including Sheikh. Mohammed Ahmed Hassan, Sheikh Mahmoud Ali Al Taher, Sheikh Mohammed Abdulrahim Abera and Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Adam have presented in this seminar. The seminar took place in the presence of the Principal of University, Dr. Bilal Imam, and the Secretary of Academic Affairs, Dr. Mutasim Siddiq, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Ahmad Almikashfy and a number of deans, academic and university staff. The seminar discussed a number of issues and the contemporary challenges that face the Muslim community nowadays. The speakers at the seminar have stressed on the importance of having an educated and aware society members about the ideological attacks and extraneous habits that negatively affect the society.

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