Workshop in Accounting Efficiency and Development of Management& Supervision Skills

Deputy Secretary of Academic Affairs at University of El Imam El Mahdi, Dr. Abu Al Qasim Ibrahim Al Mahdi witnessed the training course entitled “Accounting Efficiency and Development of Management& Supervision Skills”, which was organized by the Deanship of Development and Quality in cooperation with the Secretariat of Academic Affairs at the Training Hall in the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences in the presence of Dean of Development and Quality Deanship, Dr. Mohammed Salem Abdul Fadeel. The workshop targeted about 54 participants from the Financial and Accounting and Personnel Affairs Departments. It presented scientific papers provided by international trainers; Dr. Mohammed Hamad Mohammed, Information and Management Development Expert and Mr. Awad Allah Al Tayeb, Financial and Accounting expert. The workshop included the following scientific papers; Basic Concepts in Electronic Accounting, Functions, Mathematical Equations and Arithmetic Design in (Excel), Effective Management Supervision and Basic Services and Administrative Operations.

Dr. Mohammed said that the workshop is an extension of the training courses offered by the Deanship within its plan for the year 2018, in which its main objective is to train and qualify employees in the Department and academic staff members in various departments. At the end, Dr. Abu al-Qasim confirmed the interest and support of the Academic Affairs Secretariat in qualifying workers and improving their skills and abilities.

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